Wednesday 12 October 2011

Reincarnated mankind

Another age ends
And yet a cycle begins
The folk tales of our predecessors
We live now herewith
Yet another voyage
But again reincarnation
A comeback of our ancestors
Purposeless meaningless
We lack objectivity
Daring not say no
No questions asked
No truth unfold
And yet again a cycle repeats
Oh but a new age revealed
Are we only organisms?
Meant us for extinction?
Insignificant we stand?
Why not a new path thread?
No purpose sought
Old epistles
I’m tired of the similar
Give me not the typical
Simply not original
Feed me not the usual
I’m seeking in-familiar
We’re handed down from generation
Tales our fathers believed
And we teach our children
The life we met here
Humanity, pointless are you?
How untrue, the lies you believe
I’m asking questions
I want meanings
I want answers


  1. "I’m tired of the similar

    Give me not the typical"

    Powerful words there.

  2. aww thanks Miss RI. hope the whole Rhode Island is feeling you much. lol

  3. lol. It's aite. Colder than MD. 

  4. "Are we only organisms?
    Meant us for extinction?"
    Like I'm in love with your work already. Good job man. And yes I just followed this blog! :)
    - The King's Son (

  5. oh thanks mehn. just followed your blog too. Thanks for showing up here. blessings

  6. You are most welcome. And thanks for always keeping the courage to continually face the blank white page. More grace to you brother :)


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