Friday 27 October 2017


One of the best lessons I learnt as a young adult is that
Nobody owes me anything.
After I finished Uni and started job-hunting,
I was hoping someone would recognize all my hard work and good grades
Looking back, that sense of entitlement was not a good place to be.
The day I realized that my success and failures are all up to me
That was the day I became liberated from resentments and rejections

I am currently reading "The Lessons of History" by Will and Ariel Durant
And the highlight of the book for me is that 
Life is Competition 


"There is no true equality, “Nature loves difference as the necessary material of selection and evolution"

“Competition is not only the life of trade, it is the trade of life— peaceful when food abounds, violent when the mouths outrun the food. Animals eat one another without qualm; civilized men consume one another by due process of law.”

“We are acquisitive, greedy, and pugnacious because our blood remembers millenniums through which our forebears had to chase and fight and kill in order to survive, and had to eat to their gastric capacity for fear they should not soon capture another feast.”

Please feel free to share your thoughts below. Thanks.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Self Awareness

The self is an important phenomenon. It is 100 percent your purpose.
With the influx of social media and information overload,
A lot of people want to be something or someone they are not.
This is a dangerous path without the context of realizing who you already are.
Everything you need to be successful is already a part of who you are.
The reward to self-awareness comes from hard work in harnessing who you are
There is no reward in working hard to be something or someone you aren't
Just because you can identify with a narrative does not mean that's who you are.

Action Points

Spend less time on social media and more time alone
Dwell on your own thoughts and less on what people think of you
Take a pen and paper. Write down these questions.
Who am I?
Why am I here?

Ask at least five (5) people that are closest to you

What do you think I like?
What do you think I'm good at?

Until we answer these questions, we are not on the path to figuring the self out.

I don't have the answers. I'm just a brother on the journey.