Sunday 1 January 2012

of a worthy beginning

It's a new day, the cloud bursts out into a beautiful sunshine.
I live in the realization of the spectacular being
Knowledge of the most high
I'm a carrier of destiny
The life of God is deposited into me
I'm a living proof of the kingship right
The spirit of the most high dwells on my inside

I step into greater heights
Breaking new grounds, doors are opening
I have a firm reassurance of the future not lived
An excellent spirit, not of geekiness, but of success
New insights, impeccable brilliance

Grace and goodness has found me
I live in abundance,
Fullness all around me
Making greatness out of little I'm given
This is the life and I'm living it
In plenteous and in health
I'm smiling into more than enough

1 comment:

  1. Really delighted to read from you again, bro. Your writings always have this calming aura about them. What's more, this centres on a source of unfathomable strength.

    Happy New Year, bro


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